Tuesday, June 15, 2010

VIDEO: California Girls

Now I've been waiting for this video and I am very pleased but extremely confused. I love the video I think its cute that it takes you to a whole other world full of candy and cute things but what confuses me is what does it have to do with the song. huh???

Top Three Things I liked about the Video:
1. The gummy bear giving Katy the middle finger and her facial expressions
2. The white girl dances lol
3. Snoop Dogg's outfits lol

Another thing I'm confused about is how in the hell did they become the candy police and attack Snoop lol

just my thoughts..but I love you Katy

1 comment:

  1. I read this post on Fashionista about how Katy Perry has made dressing like a cartoon character a trend for herself. Pretty true :)
